Sunday, 27 March 2011

H809 Research proposal

Firstly, my research question is "How can Google Docs support effective group-work?" which aims to help us understand ...
  1. how Google Docs helps in lessening some of the familiar problems associated with group-work activities in teaching and learning contexts
  2. what support structures are crucial in determining the success of group-working activities via Google Docs
By 'us' I guess I am referring to myself and my academic colleagues 'local' to my institution who wish to try out the use of Google Docs for group-working activities. To date we have had a mix of approaches when it comes to the support structures in place - basically how much support students get is down to the academic themselves and it is not clear how much support is enough, 'too little', or indeed 'too much' . My research study involves two first year postgraduate modules running in parallel (in different disciplines but within the same School) each receiving different levels of support - both receive the same introductory support at programme inductions, however one will receive further support later in the module at the point of the group-work activity delivered by the tutor themselves and in context to the task. Primary analysis will be through focus groups (qualitative) and secondary analysis through group-work assignment grades (quantitative).

It is also my intention that the research could help the HE institution in considering the implications relating to policy and practice if Google Docs were to be offered as a collaborative learning tool and supported University-wide.

I guess initally the research study would inform case studies for the School, and also a report for wider institutional purposes.

We could present our 'early study' findings at external conferences with a view to publishing later to help other institutions consider use of Google Docs to support effective group-working.